Looking to build stronger relationships, networking opportunities and collaboration within the Consortia and in your company?

Special interest groups bring CI, idea sharing, learning and growth within the Consortia, as well as increase engagement within your company. 

AME is committed to facilitating these SIGs, providing a platform for members to connect, share insights, and drive improvement initiatives. By participating in these groups, members can leverage collective knowledge and experience to achieve greater success within their organizations.

We are working with other Consortia to establish National Special Interest Groups, including the following. Who should participate? Operational leaders, business leaders, CI leaders and others team members that will find this opportunity valuable. 

Membership is open to all AME Regional Consortia Members. 

Human Resource Leaders

Round table open forum style discussion style meetings, knowledge sharing, best practices, HR trends and policies.

IT Leaders

Facilitated topic driven discussion focused on IT with sharing of best practices, group collaboration on challenges, opportunities, projects and outcomes.

Safety Leaders

Facilitated topic driven discussions and guest speakers focused on safety improvements, standard work and best practice sharing.

Supply Chain Leaders

Facilitator/member led, topic driven interactive discussions on supply chain challenges and opportunities, best practices and lean improvements.


Starting a Special Interest Group (SIG) within the AME St. Louis Consortia is a great way to foster continuous improvement, share ideas, and promote learning and growth within your company and the broader community. Here’s a resourceful workflow to help you get started.